Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 72 - Doom and Shroom while things go BOOM



I've always had a minimal interest in science. There were some things that fascinated me, and other things that couldn't be more mundane. Even the classifications of living things was borderline mundane, but the ability to call out the species and genus, having some sort of variant name for things was always cool. Homo Sapiens, canis familiaris. Latin is just real cool. Even check out hericium erinaceus. Wish I had some sort of alternate name. Anyway, we find our compatriots still searching for the "God's Eye" mushroom deep within the Caves of Gritstanbul. I'm only assuming they are the caves of said place. People are being crazy. And with crazy mushrooms attacking, some people could get a little crazy. Maybe even misinterpret what others are trying to do, or just lose ones self in the moment. Does this make any sense? Probably not. Sorry for the terrible edit! Tried to get this one done quick! Much love! We are, and totally will forever be @Direweasels. Currently we are Forrest @walk6070 as your DM, John @ab