They Create Worlds

Ultima: Exodus to Akalabeth



TCW Podcast Episode 142 - Ultima: Exodus to Akalabeth   In this episode we look at the legendary series of Ultima!  We look at the lead up inspiration, and influences that led to the creation of Ultima.  This episode ties in heavily with our look at Origin Systems.  In this we use the creation of Ultima as a microcosm of the development of the PC industry.  The plight of the bedroom coder.  Wanting to make cool games, finding themselves thrust into a wider PC game world, and the eventual whirlwind of having publishers involved.  We mainly focus on how the creation of the games mirrors Richard's growth as a game designer and eventually perfecting the base formula with Ultima III.   TCW 038 - Origin Story: TCW 117 - Wing Commander: Introduction to the Society of Creative Anachronism : Escape: