They Create Worlds

Activision and Atari



TCW Podcast Episode 126 - Activision and Atari   We look at the video games that Activision made for the Atari VCS/2600 when the founders of Activision split from Atari.  Activision focused on graphics and presentation as a key factor in the game creation process.  They were able to push the limits of the Atari VCS to do things that were thought impossible by the base system.  The sunset employed in the game with Stampede is used again in later games and became a kind of hallmark of some Activision games.  With the release of Pitfall 2,  the inclusion of a special chip providing enhanced graphics, and music hints at where the VCS could have gone had the crash not occurred!   TCW 009 - The History of Mediagenic Part 1: TCW 010 - The History of Mediagenic Part 2: How CRT Televisions Work: Dragster: