All Things That Fly Rc Podcast

ATTF #272 - IRCHA Recap



We're back after a long break! Raja joins us to cover everything that happened at IRCHA, the world's largest RC helicopter event. Mentions: Kyle Dahl wins One Competition Avant Mostro Announced Spektrum DX9 Announced Miniature Aircraft Whiplash 700EX Scorpion Signature Series Nick Maxwell HK-4235-520 motor Scorpion 14-cell HV 160 amp ESC Gaui 50cc 4-stroke gas engine with Scorpion SII-2212 alternator motor Guy hit by helicopter at IRCHA Helis Over Delaware, Kirkwood, DE - August 16th to 18th, 2013 NEAT Fair, Downsville, NY - September 13th to 15th, 2013 RC Dude Hobbies - Really Cool Radio Control Electric Flight Higher Plane Productions 3DRCForums