Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 26 - On the Wings of Love



Harry's looking pretty grave, JJW becomes Audrey's new fave, & the Sheriff's Department visits a cave! Buckle up, Peakies! We're flying on the wings of love today! Harry has a hangover and both Cooper and Gordon find themselves twitterpated as they fall for members of Norma's Double R staff! But while everyone's making heart eyes at each other over slices of pie, Windom Earle continues his dangerous game, this time with cards as the metaphor instead of chess. As we inch closer and closer to the inevitable confrontation between Agent Cooper and his Moriarty, the stakes are raised: there's new love in the air and a diverting new game on the horizon, this time pageants? Also: John Justice Wheeler asks Ben for permission to date his daughter! Andy spelunks past Lucy's window! Donna's has more suspicions about her mother! Let's fly! It's 2x18: "On the Wings of Love" Notes: Pretty sure we named the wrong card suit when talking about Agent Cooper's card in Windom's deck; he's the King of