Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 13 - The Orchid's Curse



In which things get really serious for the major players. Donna and Harold amp up their relationship, and Donna finds herself in a precarious position; both Leland and Leo are going home; and Agent Cooper finally figures out where Audrey is, and devises a plan to rescue her. Also: Andy's a whole damn town! Bobby gets a lift! Hawk kills a guy! We wish for the first (and only) time that we were watching this in glorious 480i in 1990 instead of in the 1080p of our modern Blu-ray set on our HDTV because lordy lordy Harold Smith, that is a fake way to scratch your face off... Notes: Doctor Jacoby talking about the red/logical, blue/intuitive dichotomy (under 3D Glasses heading) **Spoilers for TSHoTP** David Lynch on the colour blue: "Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks" by Brad Dukes...though I cannot for the life of me find the quote now to give you a page number! Van Dyke Parks Recipe for a Black Yukon Sucker Punch Oligospermia Orchid symbolism