Echorift | Pop Culture Interceptor (yes, A Fast Car From A Dark Future)

063 | Comics | Superman For All Seasons (DC Comics)



Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's Superman For All Seasons punches us in the face and warms our hearts, that, and we talk about licensed property comics. Radio Free Echo Rift is your the twice weekly Pirate Pop Culture Podcast brought to you from Deep Beneath the City of Philadelphia! We have thirty minutes to record each episode here in the confines of the Waiting Room - the only place our evil overlords, the Researchers, can’t monitor our activities. If we were ever caught, we’d be atomized for sure! Subscribe and rate us on iTunes! Download Episode 63: Turn Turn Turn 00:30 - Intro01:40 - Seeing Soundgarden and other Concert Experiences04:55 - Paul from Ancillary Characters asks about licensed property comics05:50 - Don: 80's Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, Today's Doctor Who, Transformers, Star Wars08:05 - Mike: Dark Horse Aliens, Now Terminator, The Thing09:56 - Does TMNT count as a licensed franchise?10:45 - Kid Mudfoot called11:58 - Superman For All Seasons (Jeph Loeb / Tim Sale) {Amazon | ComiXology}12:55 - T