Echorift | Pop Culture Interceptor (yes, A Fast Car From A Dark Future)

029 | Comics | Doctor Strange Season One (Marvel Comics)



What to expect from Echo Rift Comics (Monday October 1st!), Doctor Who, Matt Smith, and Doctor Strange Season One by Greg Pak and Emma Rios! Join us on Monday October 1st at for the release of HURRY THE RABBITOID KNIGHT: PRELUDE TO EPILOGUE Radio Free Echo Rift is a pirate broadcast transmitted from a secret location deep beneath the city of Philadelphia. Don and Mike discuss comics, movies, and the comics that they make based on what they see in the mysterious Echo Rift. New Episodes every Wednesday and most Fridays. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes! Episode 29 - When You're Strange 00:37 - Intro01:27 - October 1st Hurry the Rabbitoid Knight: Prelude to Epilogue01:48 - What you should expect from Hurry Comics03:13 - Letter about References04:25 - Introduction to Doctor Who - Series Seven05:06 - Matt Smith is the Best Doctor Ever - Start with Series 509:08 - The hype around Doctor Who can be off-putting11:17 - The Fascination with Doctors in the 60's12:41 - Doctor Strange Season One - Greg Pak an