Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

012: How To Feel Fear To Move Past It



What if I told you that there was one thing and one thing alone that was keeping you from love and intimacy, more money, better health, youthfulness and vibrancy? That one thing is the biggest chokehold in your experience of being human and that one thing is fear—but more your inability to function in the presence of that energy... Fear is a sure fire sign that you’re bumping up against the edge of your known reality or your comfort zone. I want to empower you right now to navigate the experience of fear when it arises from within you. Fear triggers the part of us that’s rooted in survival and that’s why we’re unable to deal with it. We either fight, run away or freeze. All of these behaviors don’t serve us and they don’t allow us to fully thrive and flourish into all that we’re becoming and all that we’re growing into. How do you own fear and recognize that it is an ally in your evolution?
