Social Justice Warriors

The Scourge Of So-Called "Honour Killings"



For this episode of Social Justice Warriors, Matt Buckley interviews award-winning Jordanian journalist/activist Rana Husseini, who is the author of the book Murder In The Name Of Honour. The book and the interview are about the problem of so-called "honour killings". A so-called "honour killing" is the murder of a person for supposedly bringing shame or dishonour upon her or his family and/or the family of the person with whom the victim is in a relationship.  Of the victims of so-called "honour killings", the overwhelming majority are female and a small percentage are male. So-called "honour killings" are usually committed by members of the victim's family. However, there are also cases of so-called "honour killings" of which the perpetrators are family members of a person with whom the victim is in a relationship.