Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

LLA EP.#240: Coach Lee Boyce returns to discuss his challenging return to training after a serious injury, what you can learn from his experience, and more



LLA Episode #240: Top strength coach and popular LLA guest, Lee Boyce, returns to discuss the following: Lee shares how the past year has been a true challenge, in terms of injury and recovery How did Lee create the perfect storm for his injury to happen How did Lee maintain his business, while spending months rehabilitating from a serious injury Lee shares his experience with Canada's healthcare system, as we compare it to ours in the U.S. What has been Lee's rehab process and how has his training knowledge played a part in it How did Lee approach nutrition post injury All this and much more: Links & Resources mentioned in the show: (Sponsor) - LifterLMS: Listen to ad-free LLA Podcast Premium Episodes for Patreon Subscribers Only. Become a monthly supporter via $5 or more on Patreon: Project Child Save: Warrior Angels Foundation: Purchase Aggressive St