Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#215: Andrew Durniat - How to effectively blend strength, endurance, and power training with sport specificity, proper nutrition, & proper recovery



Ep.#215: Top strength coach and all around high-level athlete, Andrew Durniat returns to discuss the following:     Mike issues an online challenge to our listeners. Do you have what it takes to win? How does Andrew mesh strength training, kettlebell sport, and extensive endurance event training together intelligently Who or what inspired Andrew to begin competing in Ironman competitions How does Andrew mentally prepare for a 15 hour non-stop race Andrew discusses how he is able to train for endurance events and still have the energy to strength train on the same day How did Andrew adjust his dietary habits, with the combination of endurance training and being blessed with a high metabolism What is Andrew's current recovery routine Andrew discusses the benefits of investing in the training "long game," in terms of introducing a new training goal Why does a slightly-outside the shoulder stance work for Andrew, in terms of deadlifts Why training today doesn't mean you will be stronger tomorrow   All this