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Are We Leaving Out Millennials?



Are we leaving out Millennials from the park experience? I recently read an article in Outside Magazine questioning if the outdoor industry has a Millennial problem. This article from Outside magazine touches on many issues relevant to parks and recreation. In the Northwest, in particular, recreation can be more about the jacket you wear while hiking than the actual hike itself. While outdoor clothing companies were racing for more high-tech options, they left out the younger generation. With no regard for Millennials, clothing and gear companies continue to offer high-end, high-priced options. Are parks making the same mistake? Are we racing to cash in on high priced recreation? Most park systems are moving toward cabins and expensive RV sites. Millennials do not stay in expensive cabins or drive RVs. So what happens in 10 years when Millennials will be the key demographic for parks? It doesn’t stop with just cabins and full hookup sites for RVs, I know of at least one situation where a park had a 100% occup