

This week is a short episode to provide updates on what is going on with Park Leaders. Thank you for the great feedback about the episode with Betty Soskin. It was a delight to interview her, and I am pleased you liked it as well. If you haven't listened to that episode yet, you don't want to miss it. I have some upcoming trips. Perhaps we can meet up? I will be in Dallas in early August, and Asheville, NC in October. If you live nearby, and would like me to visit your park, get in touch. Or, if you would like to set up a speaking engagement, it would be fantastic to give a presentation about parks for you. The People of Parks Project is going away soon. If you have not had a chance to lend your voice, you can do so here. Would you like to be a contributor for Park Leaders? I have two opportunities for you. First, I am going to start including articles on the website. If you would like to contribute an article about parks, get in touch. I could use your help. Second, I want to include stories from Park Range