Park Leaders Show : Park Ranger | National Park | State Park | Leadership

Connecting Parks to Communities with Cassius Cash



Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most popular National Park in the United States. People come from all over the eastern half of the country to visit the Smoky Mountains and drive visitation higher than park service icons such as Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon. The key to operating Great Smoky Mountains is not necessarily the visitors who come from other places, the key is connecting to the community. Cassius Cash, Superintendent of Great Smokey Mountain National Park The importance of connecting a park to the local community is exactly why Cassius Cash is the perfect fit for Park Superintendent. New to his role at Great Smoky Mountains, Cassius brings his concept of Listen - Learn - Build and is intent on connecting to the local community. Cassius come to Great Smoky Mountains from Boston, where he served as the Superintendent as Boston National Historic Park and Boston African American National Historic Site. In Boston, Cassius used stories to rebrand the park and built impactful connections in t