Nfpa Journal Podcast

Firefighter Resiliency



In response to growing concerns about PTSD and suicide among firefighters, the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute created the First Responder Resiliency Program in 2016. The goal is to prepare firefighters for the mental health challenges they face on the job, and to educate them on healthy ways to recover and grow, including asking for help when needed. At least 10,000 first responders have gone through the training, which has expanded over the years to include a four-hour course offered for free across the state.   In this episode, Robby talks to the program leaders to learn how it works, the impact it’s had, and tips for firefighters and agencies looking to break the stigma attached to mental health issues in the fire service. LINKS   IFSI Resiliency Program:   NFPA Journal articles on first responder behavioral health: