Like A Mother

Single mom created respite care program for special-needs families [grant winner!]



Jeannine Hamilton, serving other special-needs families with a break! The Kickass Single Mom Grant is sponsored by GoBankingRates— your partner in financial freedom. Go to sign up for their awesome financial information newsletter. For signing up, you’re automatically entered to win a copy of my best selling book, the Kickass Single Mom and Nicole Lapin’s the Boss Bitch. You need both those books in your life.! ### In this episode, we hear from Kickass Single Mom Grant winner Jeannine Hamilton, 43, of Little Rock, Ark., is a single-mom of three. As the mother of an 8-year-old daughter with autism, she knows first-hand the financial, emotional and logistical challenges parents of these special kids face for simple tasks like shopping, house care — not to mention getting a break. That is why she started WE-CARE, an organization that provides free respite care for special needs families, and serves as a coordination point for all area organizations. She is also a new entrepreneur. In