Like A Mother

Recent breakup? Don't miss an opportunity of a lifetime — to be single!



Nothing breaks my heart more than a woman who cannot be without a man. That personality is always rife with desperation, bad decisions and alienating others who love her best. Never a good look. Even if you are not prone to dramatics of partnering up ASAP, you may feel like a loser because you are not in a relationship. It is normal to feel sad and lonely if you don't have a boy- or girlfriend. (It can also feel horny, but that is a slightly different topic — don't get those confused!)  In this episode I share why being single is such an incredible opportunity you should not squander. It doesn't have to be forever, but if you couple-up right away, you miss out on so many opportunities for personal growth, new adventure, learning so much about yourself, others around you, and what your next relationship might be.