Like A Mother

How working mom guilt holds you back in career, money and life



Have you ever heard a man say he feels guilty for going to work? [har har har] However, I guarantee you have felt guilty as woman for working.  Whether or not you are a mom, caregiver, mom to a fur baby. Single or married, gay or straight. The message is the same to all of us about who you should be as woman: Married to a rich guy, 2.2 kids, and a house.  Even if your own upbringing was progressive. Even if we almost had a woman in the White House. Even though women are the majority of undergraduate students, and 40 percent of families are headed by breadwinning women.  These pressures to be June Cleaver affect all of us. And they hold you back. Don't believe me? A few years ago, I attended a casual cocktail party in New York City, where I live. The guests were all professionally successful women in various fields: a global head of marketing for a luxury car brand, a tech startup founder, a pianist who came to the event right from a Carnegie Hall performance, the founder of an international women's aid organi