Like A Mother

Suzanne Venker: "If your relationship isn't working, try being feminine."



When I shared on Facebook an excerpt of Suzanne Venker's new book, The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage: How Love Works, out this week, many people dismissed it entirely because it was on, a network where Venker is a frequent contributor. Prepping for this interview, I asked my boyfriend if he thought I was an alpha, and if so, difficult to date. He recoiled at the notion that anyone could be boxed into any category (I'll take that as a 'yes' and a 'yes.'). All perfectly reasonable reactions, but let me tell you this: Read the freaking book. If the title alone irritates the crap out of you, it means it triggers something deep and important in you. So read the book. Since New York Times bestseller got a deal to write this book is only a testament to the fact that there are a lot of alpha women out there — women with difficult marriages, women searching for romantic love, women who worry their skyrocketing career and direct ways threaten her marriage — or the prospect of finding one. Progres