Like A Mother

How one single mom started a local resistance movement



After the presidential election, like so many of us Valerie Schull a single mom in Chicago, was angry. She got motivated. Shull is co-founder of a local resistance group that is fight against change in federal and local governments that do not support their progressive beliefs. Their mission statement: We work to BLOCK harm to ourselves and others, BUILD for future progressive candidates who govern for the people and BE the change and good we want to see. Valerie is a personal friend, and has become my political mentor for making that change that I, too, want to see. Every single day she takes action, and leads others in doing so. Here are the highlights from our interview: How does a busy single mom find time to be an activist?  "It takes 30 seconds to make a phone call to your senator." "You don't have to do it all." Attend someone else's party. Join someone's activist group. Take the action provided by a leader in your community. What happens when you show up at your representative's office and demand acti