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How to buy health insurance on the marketplace



Health insurance is no joke. By law, you are required to carry it. This seems scary, especially since premiums are so expensive, and only going higher. But health insurance is an incredible asset that everyone should have, even if mandates require you buy health insurance on the marketplace.  If Obamacare is really repealed in the next few months, what happens next? No real changes can happen for at least one year, if not until 2018, and 2017 prices and plans are locked. The health insurance code is thousands of pages that slow down any potential changes. What are the most important benefits I should look for when selecting a health insurance plan this year? This depends on what is most important to you: Affordable monthly premiums, maintaining your current doctors or the total deductibles, including co-pays for office visits and prescriptions. PolicyGenius helps navigate these priorities over available policies. Unfortunately, you’re not going to get everything you want out of this purchase upfront, so face