Like A Mother

Soros Open Foundations' Sandra Schwarzer on parental leave and stirring the corporate turd



What will it take to creating the parental leave and family-friendly policies in the workplace? First step - aggressive acts of bravery by moms inside the system.  Sandra Schwarzer, global director of human resources at Soros Open Foundations, the largest nonprofit organization in the world, shares about her own macro-aggression inside her company, fought hard for a new policy for all its 1,600 to receive 6 months parental leave, half of it full pay, three months 70 percent pay -- with tons of flexibility of how they chose to use it -- including in the U.S. offices. In this episode Schwarzer talks about what it took to make happen what she calls her "greatest career achievement to date." Why companies of all sizes benefit from generous parental leave. The financial ROI on strong family policy. Argument for taking care of employees, who, ultimately take care of employers.