Like A Mother

Podcast: Time to ditch your friends?



  Who you surround yourself with matters. Science is on my side with this. If your friends smoke, you are more likely to smoke. If your friends are overweight, you are likely, too. Divorced? Your friends are next! I have started to see people in one of two camps: Victims who give their power and ability to be happy away to others by blaming the world for their own shortcomings. Everyone else. I just don't have time for victims. They are on a different course. That is fine, but I don't want to hang out with you. I don't want to do business with you, and I don't think you're a good influence for my kids. And so I don't call my old friend. I see her around, and she is a nice and good person. I wish her the best. But she kills my mojo. Call me sensitive, I don't care. There are too many other awesome people who will are in my camp, living full lives and taking responsibility for their happiness. If you have that toxic friend, that single mom friend -- even if she is the only other single mom in your own town! -