Like A Mother

Free-Range Kids' Lenore Skenazy: Kids are over-parented and here's the answer



For the past 10 years Free-Range Kids' Lenore Skenazy,  New York City journalist and mom of two, has been taking one for the team. The Free-Range Kids author and blog founder has been on a one-woman mission to give kids back the freedom and autonomy they need to grow into self-actualized adults. I can't get enough of every single thing she has to say, including stats like: Crime is back to the level it was when gas cost 29 cents a gallon, says the Christian Science Monitor. Crime is back to the level it was before color TV, says The Week magazine. 2013 gun crime rate back to level of early 1960s, says Pew Study. 2014 violent crime rate down another4.4%, says USA Today. Pedestrian, bicyclist and car deaths ALSO at lowest rate in decades, says The Council on Foreign Relations. And here’s an overall report on crime over the last 25 years, which includes the graph below: Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School All violent crime in the U.S.: Down  48% 1993 – 2012 All homicides: Down 50.5% 1993-2012 Forcible