Like A Mother

Hey moms: Let's spend LESS time with our kids. I'm serious.



What the hell is going on? Since 1965, labor-force rates for women with kids under 18 have risen from 45 percent to 78 percent, and today’s mothers—both working and stay-at-home at tlike—spend more than 14 hours a week in 2010, up from just 10 hours a week in 1965. Despite spending all this time with our monkeys, 51 percent of working moms say they feel guilty about not spending enough time with their kids!      All this working-mom guilt keeps us back professionally, leading to dropping out of the work force, failing to go for promotions and higher-paying work so we can spend even more hours on children. Children, it must be noted, do not need all the hours we're currently devoting to them.  Psychologist Dr. Madeline Levine recently claimed that children of over-involved parents are three times more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and David Code, wrote in his book To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First.   Families centred on children create anxious, exhausted parents and demanding, entitl