Like A Mother

Do you spend TOO much time with your kids?



i was THRILLED to read a recent Psychology Today article referencing recent research that found that moms are actually spending TOO much time with their kids, so much so that it is a detriment to their development. Meanwhile, INCOME is the biggest indicator of a child's academic and financial success in life.  If that isn't great news for working moms -- especially single moms, who do statistically spend less time with their children than our married counterparts -- I don't know what is.  In this episode I elaborate on how there is so little societal support for working moms-- even though most of us NEED or WANT to work!  Also: Stacey calls in, asking for advice on how to make sure her 31-year-old son is cared for long-term. Stacey has faced a lot -- not only is her adult child disabled, her fiance died unexpectedly five years ago. But Stacey is suffering a case of the poor-mes. When she kept repeating, "No one understands how hard it is to have a disabled child" I let her know that I really felt for her. I h