Like A Mother

You need support to be the best mom you can be



Did you vote for Like a Mother with Emma Johnson on GoBankingRate's "Money on the Air" contest? I'm up against giants like Freakonomics, Pat Flynn and Rich Dad. Pretty cool! Please vote here!   Last summer I was having a really hard time with my kids -- mornings were hell, they didn't seem to listen, I felt like they weren't getting what they needed to me. Over an early dinner at a local bistro with a good (childless) friend who knows my family well, I spilled my guts.  Whether out of blind friendship or strategic therapy, she told me what I wanted to hear: You are an awesome mom. Your children are lucky to have you. You're doing a great job.  I listened, even if I didn't really believe her. But something shifted. Because when we finished supper we walked a few blocks to buy some frozen yogurt and ran into my ex and the kids on the street. It was awkward for obvious reasons -- the kids were confused and a little upset. But it was even more so because it was 8:30, and they were still dressed and coming home fr