Like A Mother

Why alimony is bad for women



This week I wrote a couple of posts for Forbes on changes in alimony:  Stay-at-Home Mom Facing Divorce? Don't Expect Alimony and  An End to Alimony Would be Good for Women To quote myself:  An end of alimony would force each able-bodied person to be financially responsible for themselves . Suffragists and feminists before us fought bitterly (and joyously, one would hope) so you and I have financial and legal parity with men. We have a way to go, but for the most part in this country women have opportunity to support themselves. With opportunity comes responsibility. You choose to be financially dependent on someone else (like a husband), you take a risk. If that marriage ends and you have little career equity and low earning potential as a result, you must pay the consequences of the downside of that risk. I also explored the topic on "The Emma Johnson Show" this morning, when Charlotte called in, asking about whether she could sue her ex-husband for more alimony, even though their divorce has been settled fo