Like A Mother

Newly single? Do not stop having sex



If you don't use it, you lose it. I'm talking your sex life. Sex is an integral part of being a woman, yet so many single moms don't have a regular routine (and yes, this can include with yourself!).  In this show I talk about why it is so critical to maintain your sexuality, especially for single moms. I help listeners get over their Madonna-whore complex (you can be wonderful mother AND a sexy, adult woman!). I give tips for how to make that happen (including having sex for sex's sake -- not every partner has to be marriage potential). And I give sexy advice to my callers: Robin Is ready to get her groove on with her wonderful new boyfriend, but as a sole-custody parent with no local family support, she has childcare challenges. I help her get over this hurdle by digging into her real fears about intimacy.  Chantel Has questions about sharing your own trials and failures as teaching lessons for your children. I offer tips on using what is the most powerful teaching tool to help our kids make good decisions