Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 259 - Impossible Jones Kickstarter with Karl Kesel



Who's ready for the IMPOSSIBLE? Who's JONES'in for a new Kickstarter to support? Well, if you can answer YES to either question (or any question, really!), then we have the book for you this week. Check out the Impossible Jones Kickstarter, as we sit down to talk to Karl Kesel about his new project. Impossible Jones is the co-creation of Karl and artist David Hahn. Impossible Jones is a super-villain that gets mistaken for a super-hero, and decides to run with that. With equal parts Harley Quinn and Plastic Man, you'll consider breaking the law to get your hands on this book. But trust us, you don't have to do that! Go out to InpossibleKickstarter.com to find out how you can support this project and steal.... we mean, take home some incredibly cool swag. Now, you have until July 2 to make your pledge, but seriously you do not want to wait until the last minute to sign up. You want to do that today! Right now! Well, listen to the podcast first, THEN go out and make your pledge.  In addition to talking all thin