Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 257 - July Solicits and Cotton Fitzsimmons



It's another fun roundtable discussion this week on the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! We get to sit around and talk about comics, the weather, and even recall the glory years of the Kansas City Kings. We discuss the news coming out on the Falcon & Winter Soldier series, which will be on the Disney Plus platform. Casting news and a director have us all very excited to see where this series goes. The hot topic of the day was rumor/announcement that Tom King would no longer be the writer on Batman, falling about 15-20 issues short of his 100-issue goal. We speculate on the reasons for the change, and what could be next. Of course, we have our weekly Pick 3 for new books coming out on May 29. Cullen and John struggle to name Jerry's selection before finally naming the correct title. Finally, we review the July 2019 solicits from the major (and some minor) publishers. Now, if you hear us talk about a book that really interests you, please make sure to tell your local comic shop so they can make sure to have it