Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 256 - Trekker Kickstarter 3 with Ron Randall



All good things come in increments of three, right? Just think about it. There's Charlie's Angels, and Earth, Wind & Fire, of course. Heck, you could even put the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! trio of Cullen, John and Jerry on that list -- maybe! But what will soon be added to the great lists of three is the third Trekker Kickstarter from creator Ron Randall. This new Kickstarter will launch on May 28, running for a full month until June 27. This project is to help fund a collection of all-new material featuring everyone's favorite bounty, Mercy St. Clair. (Say, that reminds me... favorite bounty hunters - Mercy St. Clair, Boba Fett, and Dog.) So far, Ron is 2-for-2 with his Kickstarter projects, and he aims to keep that record perfect with this new launch. Expect lots of great incentive prizes to get people bidding early and bidding often. We will share a link to the Kickstarter once it launches later this month.  However, we're not done running the "great things come in threes" joke into the ground. Beca