Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 228 - How Many Takes Does It Take to Start a Show?



For this week, that answer is six or seven. But that should come as no surprise to the loyal listeners of the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! See, we were down one co-host, as John was on the DL with a bum leg. You may not realize it, but leg injuries severely diminish a podcaster's ability to talk about comics. Jerry was on the DL for a month with his knee surgery last year, so it's a real thing. Never fear though, John is getting back to normal and should make a triumphant return next week. Then, Cullen and Jerry got a late start with recording. As you may have noticed with past episodes, the later we start, the loopier we get. It took multiple takes for us to get one that lives up to the high expectations for a WCPE episode. But once we got rolling, we like to think that we put together a really good episode. Really good! Seriously, this has to be one of the top.... oh, I don't know... let's just say it's in the top 228 for best episodes ever by the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! We do a deep dive into the Wal