Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 201 - Action Comics 1000



Over the years, comics have seen a lot of change. Characters die, and new characters are created. Heroes become villains, and vice versa. Titles are renumbered, rebooted, and sometimes replaced. But there has been one constant for 80 years. Action Comics, which celebrates the publication of it's 1000th issue this week! This is not your normal monthly release. This is Action Comics #1000! It doesn't get any bigger than this for Superman, DC Comics or comic fandom. With multiple stories from all-star creators, packaged with incredible covers representing all the different eras of the Man of Steel, this issue is a true reason to celebrate.  And we did celebrate! In Kansas City, Jerry joined the super fans at a midnight opening at Clint's Comics. With an entire rack of the main book along with all of the variants, the books were flying off of the shelves left and right. A big thank you to Sharon, Keith, Jennifer and Eric for letting the KC comic community start their Superman celebration as soon as possible.  In