Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 181 - Justice League Review



Gathered together from the cosmic reaches of the universe, here in this great Hall of Justice, are the most powerful forces of good ever assembled: SUPERMAN! BATMAN AND ROBIN! WONDER WOMAN! AQUAMAN! And The Wonder Twins: ZAN and JAYNA, with their space monkey, GLEEK! (how about FLASH! CYBORG!) Dedicated to truth, justice, and peace for all mankind! We are back in the studios after the Thanksgiving break to talk all things Justice League! We've all seen the movie and we are here to share our opinions. As always, the ultimate judge of anything is you yourself. Go see this movie before forming your own opinion. And yes, we spoil the heck out this movie, so no complaining if we spoil something along the way. But we can't stop there - we also have to discuss the new Avengers Infinity War trailer that came out this week. OMG!!! What a feast for the eyes! May 2018 cannot come quick enough! We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you've been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our w