Worst. Comic. Podcast. Ever!

WCPE Episode 178 - Thor: Ragnarok and Frankensteins Comic Book Swap



It's another busy weekend for the guys at the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! So give this show a listen right away to stay caught up with us for the next three days. First up is the two conventions we will be at. You can find John and Jerry at the Kansas City Comic Con at Bartle Hall. We will be set up at booth 703, as well as hosting a lot of panels throughout the weekend. In particular, join us Sunday at 2 PM CT for the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! panel in the Great Hall. Go back to last week's podcast to get all of the details about KCCC. Meanwhile, Cullen will be flying solo at the Frankenstein's Comic Book Swap in Portland on Saturday. This is an old-school comic swap of the finest kind. Cullen will be there with many of our new friends talking comics and more.  But before the con action starts, let's get some more comic talk in. Some of us saw Thor: Ragnarok over the weekend and really enjoyed it. That got us thinking about our favorite stories and runs involving Thor and the Hulk. We run down our picks