The Tony Rossi Show

Taking Back Your Power as an Actor CEO - with Mike Moreno



Today’s episode features Mike Moreno Michael Moreno is an actor, content creator and industry expert who runs The Actor CEO Podcast and, connecting thousands of actors around the globe to industry pros, tools, and resources to help them treat their career like a business and fill the gap between training and building a sustainable creative life. Listed as a "top podcast for actors" in Backstage and Casting Networks, Michael is also a contributing Backstage expert as well as writer for other platforms like OnStageBlog, DailyActor, StageMilk and more.  He is building a fan base of thousands and empowering modern artists through insightful content, teaching industry business and marketing classes in drama schools around the country, and coaching creative professionals. As one of the premier platforms for actors to get the practical information they didn't get in school, Actor CEO allows modern artists to side step the traditional path where only a select few make it to the top and become the chief c