Word Alive International Outreach Sermon Of The Week

The Big Picture - 7 Events A Year



As we conclude this series, we see THE BIG PICTURE! The Church is an aircraft carrier and NOT a luxury cruiseship. This means that each and every one of us a fighter plane -- we're here to empower and equip armies for the Lord! We have three major feasts a year, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. These are feasts in the old testement that still hold power today. We also have 4 equipping seminars every year that are designed to equip and empower us to go out and equip and empower OTHERS! Ephesians 4:11-16 sums it up perfectly: And [His gifts to the church were varied and] He Himself appointed some as apostles [special messengers, representatives], some as prophets [who speak a new message from God to the people], some as evangelists [who spread the good news of salvation], and some as pastors and teachers [to shepherd and guide and instruct], [and He did this] to fully equip and perfect the saints (God’s people) for works of service, to build up the body of Christ [the church]; until we all reach onen