Sydney Ideas

Do universities need to reinvent themselves?



Sir Eric Thomas, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol and former Chair of the Worldwide Universities Network joins an esteemed panel of university professors, private sector representatives and former politicians for an important debate - what should universities be? They look at the question from five specific perspectives, those of: a) students, b) tax payers, c) the academy, d) employees, and e) private donors. TIME STAMPS 5:30 - 19:30 – What should universities be from the perspective of students? 20:00 – 28:00 - What should universities be from the perspective of the Government, representing citizens and tax payers? 28:50 – 37:00 - What should universities be from the perspective of the academy? 37:45 – 49:30 - What should universities be from the perspective of business, as employers, and investors in research and development? 49:30 - 58:40 - What should universities be from the perspective of private donors and philanthropists? 58:45 – Audience Q&A A Sydney Ideas event held at the