Sydney Ideas

Fighting Corruption in Indonesia: current issues, challenges and prospects



Indonesia’s anti-corruption commission has investigated and prosecuted many big-fish corruption cases, and has secured many dozens of convictions, including very senior judges and politicians. This represents real progress; even a decade ago, many of the commission’s current targets would have been largely untouchable. However, the commission has faced serious resistance from those it has pursued and their associates. This resistance threatens to weaken the commission or even disband it, and to discredit its commissioners. This forum examines the future of corruption eradication efforts in Indonesia, bringing together three speakers Professor Todung Mulya Lubis, one of Indonesia’s leading lawyers and anti-corruption advocates; Dr Laode Syarif, Commissioner for Indonesia Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK); and Professor Simon Butt, who specialises in Indonesian law and its corruption courts. Held as part of the Sydney Ideas program on 10 October 2017: