Sydney Ideas

Tom Szaky on Eliminating the Idea of Waste



Tom Szaky dropped out of Princeton University to found TerraCycle, a company that started by selling an organic fertiliser for plants made from worm poo in reused soft drink bottles. Today his company collects and recycles over 100 different kinds of products that were considered 'non-recyclable' garbage, in over 24 different countries. TerraCycle has been called the “Google of Garbage” by the New York Times and the “the coolest little start-up in America” by Inc. Magazine. Tom's first book was 'Revolution in a Bottle: How TerraCycle Is Redefining Green Business'. His latest book is 'Outsmart Waste: The Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think Our Way Out'. For his Sydney Ideas presentation he detailed the research in the book that reveals how by mimicking nature and focusing on the value inherent in our by-products, we can transform the waste we can’t avoid creating from useless trash to a useful resource. A Sydney Ideas event on 3 March, 2014