Sydney Ideas

Five ways your heart can kill you that you did not know



Each year around 55,000 Australians suffer a heart attack, and almost 9,000 will die as a result. We know that obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking can raise the risk of a heart attack - but what about the factors you aren’t aware of? From literally dying of a broken heart to unrecognised genetic conditions to complications from the medicines we take, our panel of experts will discuss triggers for heart attacks you didn’t know about and how to prevent them. We invite you to join us for this informative and important talk, which will be followed by an extended opportunity for questions and answers. Panelists: - Professor Chris Semsarian, cardiologist, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Head of Molecular Cardiology Program Centenary Institute - Associate Professor Thomas Buckley, preventative cardiovascular researcher, Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney - Professor Andrew McLachlan, Program Director NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Medicines and Ageing, Facul