Solar Energy Show

Battery Storage Safety with Matt Paiss



Copyright 221 - Barry Cinnamon, The Energy Show About 15 years ago the solar and fire protection industries worked together to improve the safety of rooftop solar panels. With the increased popularity of lithium ion batteries for backup power, the solar and fire industries are now focusing on battery safety. Here’s the issue: anything that stores energy can be dangerous if that energy is released in an uncontrolled way, as in a fire or an explosion. It’s important to consider battery safety in the context of other forms of high density energy storage. Here on earth, uranium has the highest energy density at 80 million mega joules per kg. We call the sudden release of uranium energy an atomic bomb. From a theoretical standpoint, the energy density of antimatter is a thousand times higher than uranium, but so far only on Start Trek have the warp engines experienced an antimatter explosion. Here on earth, chemicals with high energy densities are much more practical, especially for transportation. Hydrogen has