Solar Energy Show

Texas Power Failures



Copyright 2021 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon We all know about the devastating blackouts that hit Texas last month. Millions of people were without power for a week. People were miserably cold, pipes froze causing flooding damage, and most people were without potable water. Sounds eerily like the blackouts that occur in California. Been there, done that for three years in a row…and there is no end in sight. Rick Perry, the former Texas governor and DOE Secretary, said: “Texans would rather be out of power than connect to the grid outside of Texas.” I’m pretty sure he is not talking about the people who’s lives were disrupted from this latest blackout. The causes of the blackout are fairly obvious. It was unexpectedly cold — note that Texas has had cold weather like this every ten years or so. Energy systems were not “weatherized” to withstand freezing temperatures, so all types of power plants failed to generate sufficient power. The Texas electric grid is isolated from eastern and western electric gri