Solar Energy Show

How Do I Read My Electric Bill?



Copyright 2021 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon This week we’re focusing on the most common question we get after someone has installed solar and energy storage: “How do I read my electric bill?” Standard electric bills are hard enough to read, but when you have solar and storage you almost need a degree in forensic accounting to figure them out. At a high level -- and forgive my cynicism -- we are pretty much stuck with a ridiculous array of random charges from utilities. The good news is with a properly designed solar and battery storage system you can completely eliminate your electric bill. The bad news is that with the majority of the population working and schooling at home over the past year, our electric bills are at an all-time high. The added electricity consumption (measured in kwh), plus annual rate increases (those $/kwh numbers add up), plus Community Choice Aggregation electricity providers cross-billing, make it almost impossible to determine how well your solar and storage system is wor