Solar Energy Show

Wholesale Distributed Generation - Clean Coalition



Copyright 2020 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon With the Stay At Home orders in place throughout a large part of the U.S., many of us are now 100% dependent on our home's electric grid for work — as well as lights, refrigeration, HVAC and entertainment. Unfortunately, our old fashioned electric grid is not up to the challenges of wildfires and storms, not to mention ever-increasing maintenance costs. Transmitting power long distances over high voltage transmission lines is particularly vulnerable to disruptions. Although this old grid was good for over a hundred years, new technologies — particularly battery storage, solar and smart appliances — are more reliable and less expensive. These new technologies move the generation and storage of electricity much closer to the buildings that need this power — a design that is called Distributed Generation. In suburban areas there is often enough available roof space for solar panels; power for these systems is generated Behind the Meter (on the customer’s side o