Mendham Hills

Why Am I So Afraid - Anxiety: When Fear Is Full Blown



It's one thing to be afraid. Heck, some fear is good and for our protection. It's good to fear a pot of boiling water falling from the stove. It's good to fear the bees nest next to the swing set. Anxiety, however, is something quite different. It's like fear on steroids and it's exploding all around us. You may not have tasted it yet, but likely someone you love has. Deep anxiety and paralyzing worry are quickly becoming the plague of our day, robbing our children of their dreams and crippling the lives of many of our friends. What turns a healthy alarm into immobilizing anxiety? What is at anxiety's root? Is there something that can be done to put our minds at ease? Taming the beast of worry and anxiety - this Sunday at Mendham Hills.