House Call With Dr. Hyman

How Do I Know If I’m Eating Enough Healthy Fat?



“Dr. Hyman, how do I know if I’m eating enough fat?” a reader recently asked me. This is an excellent question and one of my favorite subjects because I wholeheartedly believe eating the right amount and type of fat plays a crucial role in shaping health and wellbeing. Doctors, patients and readers are often completely confused about fat, clinging to myths and misinformation that prevents them from understanding the latest science to lose weight and achieve optimal health. You’re familiar with many of these myths: Fat makes us fat, fat contributes to heart disease, and fat leads to obesity. Saturated fat is bad, while vegetable oils are good. Simply put, these and other fat myths are big fat lies. Thankfully, the importance of fat is finally starting to catch on. How do you know if your cells are getting enough vital fat? I'll be covering signals your body actually sends you when it doesn’t get enough good fat. Never ignore the signs your body is giving you. If you’re still curious about whether you’re g