House Call With Dr. Hyman

The Best Father’s Day Gift: An Honest Conversation!



Happy Father’s Day! In this week’s house call, I want to tell you about one of the best gifts I ever received. It was actually from my kids and it was for my birthday. The gift was a conversation with my kids – the most meaningful one I’ve ever had. I am sharing this with you on Father’s Day because I wish for every parent and every child the family relationships I now have as a result of this conversation. And, I want to tell you how I got here. When my life isn’t working, it spills over into all of my relationships including those with my kids. I have always had a great relationship with my kids. I raised them myself as a single dad. But I knew we had bumps along the way and there were things unsaid and unresolved, and that was keeping us from having the deepest relationship we could. I knew I had made mistakes, so I wanted to clean it all up, say everything, hear everything from them in a safe way so we could heal from the issues that were in our way.